TIEMME proposes a more efficient management of water in the domestic sphere, considering the relevant consumption as a vital element. Climate protection starts with simple daily actions such as taking a shower or washing your hands.
Companies operating in the fixture sector are asked to promote innovations that allow significant savings in terms of water and energy, without limiting comfort and quality of life.
TIEMME has implemented a new standard for all its mixers, introducing an innovative flow regulating nozzle designed to reduce water flow by 30% thanks to the combination of flow limitation and water enrichment. In addition, with its innovative green technology we offer ecologically qualitative items.

TIEMME RACCORDERIE S.p.A. (società a socio unico)
Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 -
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 -
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
Confidentialitate - notificari legale
Afișează versiunea clasică a site-ului