Monday 31 January 2022

In step with new needs and necessities, Tiemme has implemented the digitalization of products instruction sheets that can now be downloaded by scanning the QR Code on the packaging.
The new TM-MAG EVO follows this sustainable approach.

TIEMME RACCORDERIE S.p.A. (società a socio unico)
Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 - info@tiemme.com
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 - info@tiemme.com
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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