With an internationally-oriented product, branches and offices in all continents, Tiemme remains undeniably Italian with firm roots in its territory.
In an absolute countertrend with respect to the widespread phenomenon of outsourcing and delocalisation of production units, Tiemme controls every phase and produces all product components through its in-house management, in line with the “best practice” business model and the principles of “green” production with highly technological content, the lowest possible environmental impact, great ethical responsibility towards workers and high product quality standards.
With an entirely “Made in Tiemme" production, the Company embodies the most genuine and authentic Made in Italy venture that has spread the Italian entrepreneurial culture incorporated in each single product to every corner of the globe.

Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 - info@tiemme.com
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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