Thermoregulation CLIMAV 2.0

Every house is different from each other and so is its heating/cooling system. CLIMAV 2.0 is a modular system that can be adapted to the most different system solutions: from the most basic ones to the most advanced, from small residential buildings to buildings for the tertiary industry.
The CLIMAV 2.0 system interacts with a series of system elements and effectively controls the ambient climatic variables with the goal of achieving energy efficiency.
More specifically, it is possible to manage the following subsystems:
• Generation
• Domestic hot water storage
• Distribution
• Emission
• Controlled mechanical ventilation
• Solar thermal system

TIEMME RACCORDERIE S.p.A. (società a socio unico)
Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 -
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 -
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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