An eco-compatible system

The continuous increase of fuel price and the need to reduce CO2 emissions to safeguard the planet have raised awareness of operators of the metering field.
The purpose is to design sanitary distribution systems or centralised heating and cooling systems with calorie/frigorie metering systems.
Tiemme, always up-to-date with the latest technologies, stands out on the market with a wide variety of products for direct and indirect metering to satisfy the needs of new or renovated buildings.

TIEMME RACCORDERIE S.p.A. (società a socio unico)
Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 -
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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Via Cavallera 6/A 25045 Castegnato (Bs) - Italia
tel: +39 030 2142211 -
P.Iva / CF: 02852520176 - Cap. Sociale: € 5.200.000,00 i.v.
Registro imprese: 02852520176 - Rea: BS-298978
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